Previous events

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Saturday 15th June 2024 – Guided Orchid Walk 

With a wonderful turn out, we looked at the Bee Orchids on the Common and then drove to Henley Park entrance of Ash Ranges to see the Southern Marsh and Spotted Orchids and other rare flowers of the heathland.

Monday 4th April 2024 – Saving the Stone Curlew

Keith Betton and stone curlew chick

A talk by Keith Betton, author and broadcaster

Keith Betton, a popular speaker to FNW, returned to share his passion and knowledge on stone curlews. Keith devotes much of his summers to studying and helping to protect the small population of Stone Curlews that breed in remote locations on the downs in Hampshire.

Monday 4th March 2024 – Restoring Rivers and their Wildlife

Photo of Kingfisher by Joe Devereux under creative commons

A talk by Steve Marshall, Ecological consultant & river conservationist

Many of the UK’s rivers have been changed by humans to the detriment of nature through acts such as straightening, canalising, denuding them of vegetation and more. Steve talked of his successes in restoring rivers in south-west London back to a more natural state and thereby benefitting nature including water voles, kingfishers, fish and more.

Monday 5th February 2024 –Walrus from Space 

Walrus photo by uhuru1701 under creative commons

Alejandra Vergara-Pena, Polar Specialist, WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature)

With the summer Arctic sea ice shrinking by about    12-13% per decade, walruses are facing the reality of the climate crisis. We learnt all about this iconic species and how everyone can even help safeguard their future through the ‘Walrus from Space’ project. Learn how you can volunteer to help here.

Monday 8th January 2024 – Wasps and Bumblebees

Photo of bumblebee on clematis © Ray Best Through the Lens,

A talk by Andrew Halstead, Retired Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Principal Entomologist on the social wasps and bumblebees commonly found in gardens.